Pushimorja Hajla Lodge

In an approximate distance of 1km from the bike trail in Reka e Allages in Hokaj neighbourhood is the accommodation facility “Villat Hajla” with capacity of 42 beds, 3 wooden bungalows with 4 beds, and a two-story building, overlooking a part of Rugova valley and in front the peaks of Lumbardhi, Guri i Kuq and Liqenat. On top of that, there is a tree-house that accommodates 2 persons. Accommodation is available through booking during summer, and food service can be arranged. During summer dairy products can be bought, when available, from the family and the nearby village.

Address: Hokaj – Reka e Allagës
Municipality: Pejë
Contact Person: Gazmend Nikqi
Tel: +38344/49/678668
Email: info@hajla.al
Web: www.hajla.al


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