Rock climbing in Berane and Gusinje

Rock climbing in Montenegro is still developing. However, lovers of this adventurous sport already know about our equipped sites on attractive locations.

Rock climbers who are constantly seeking for new challenges, have the opportunity to meet a lot of sectors for climbing in Gusinje and Berane.

Locations of these climbing sites are easily accessible, but at the same time provide everything rock climbers look for and expect. Arrival in this alpine area could easily turn into a longer stay. There are many marked hiking and biking trails in the vicinity of these sites, rafting and kayaking starting points, fly-fishing zones, lakes of the national park Biogradska gora, villages with preserved traditional architecture, old monasteries. With accommodation, another good argument to stay a couple of days more is traditional cuisine.

 Rock climbing in Berane


Width : 42 ° 50’0 .81 ” Н

Length: 19 ° 49’27 .97 ” Е

Recommendations: Close to the road and water source, wonderful surroundings, two sectors with different difficulty levels, accommodation in the village.

Exceptionally beautiful place to face the vertical, the very being of the mountain, ones own inner strengths. Exciting, tucked in, romantic, next to the river, open to the heights. New road leads to the very foot of the rock.

Actually, there is a smaller rock on the left side of the road, for all those who want to try and beginners, there is the bigger one on the right, for medium ad more advanced climbers. There is enough space around both for equipment and preparations. Up to now, there are around thirty routes that already have their names, but there is enough space for some new ones…

It takes fifteen minutes of drive from Berane to the climbing area (at the exit from the town towards Andrijevica turn right in the direction of Jelovica and continue along that road to the turn to the village of Banjevac. The bigger, right sector is visible from this spot, and if you continue left towards Banjevac after a few minutes walk you will come across the mini climbing area next to the road). The road along the Bistrica river, which is created in Lubnice from three small mountain rivers- brings climbers into their story perfectly.

 Rock climbing in Gusinje

There are over 100 sectors equipped for rock climbing in Grebaje Valley and Ropojana Valley. The largest number of routes is located in the sectors near Alipašini izvori. The best time to climb is from May to October. Pretty large number of sectors with different orientation provides an opportunity for climbing even in the warmest summer days.



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