From the centre of Andrijevica we will head along the road towards Berane, but after 900m we will turn left onto the road to Trešnjevik. Nevertheless, we will not remain “faithful” to that road for long either: 1.9km after the start we will turn sharp right, onto the asphalt road to Salevići and Prisoja. From here we start a moderately difficult ascent to Površe, 5km long (elevation gain: 260m).
Steep green slopes tower above us on the left, and above them, like a crown, the rocks of Željevica Peak(also marked on maps as Žoljevica) – the main landmark on this tour – stick out. At the end of the scattered village of Površe we reach a V-shape junction (6.6km from the start) on which we will continue right, downhill (the AN 03 Route forks left and uphill along the asphalt road, going around Žoljevica and descending to Gradišnica Valley). Just after the junction we pass below the new village church (left): on its secluded throne it leads a rather lonely life, watching thoughtfully the bubbling of life deep down, in the valley of the River Lim.
A few hundred metres further on a short macadam leg starts, on which we will reach the highest point on the route – 1,060m (6.9km from the start). Riding below the massif of Željevica itself, we start the descent to the valley of the River Lim, slightly more than 4km long. (Before the start of the descent on the a country road forks off to the left, leading to interesting watermills and a cloth rolling mill only about 250m away, so we should not miss an opportunity to visit them.)
Hovering effortlessly in a beautiful landscape and diving through stunning vistas, we will soon reach the beginning of asphalt on Stanjevo brdo (Stanj Hill) (at 8.1km). The road becomes very steep, so one should take care not to be drawn into riding excessively fast: traffic is almost non-existent here, but it may happen at any moment that from around the bend an automobile will suddenly emerge in front of us. And one should slow down especially at the beginning of the eleventh kilometre: then we will go onto the Andrijevica–Berane main road.
We will proceed straight on, and after 5km here we are again in the park in the centre of Andrijevica, at the end of this beautiful ride which at first made us sweat, and later rewarded us with an excellent view and an exciting descent.